Is my Divine Self real?

By Andrea Luzon

By Andrea Luzon

I’ll never forget the burns on my hands, or the frightening height of the ladder, as I stripped the paint off my parent’s house with an old-fashioned heat gun. I was 13 years old.


My two younger siblings were with me on those ladders, holding tools labeled with safety warnings: “Not for Children”.


From an early age, I learned that working hard is more valuable than authenticity, creativity, or play.


I was raised in a nose-to-the-grindstone family. My intense work ethic serves me well sometimes. It helps me flex into “completion energy” when a task beckons. Other times, it keeps me distant from the whispers of my soul.


Do you ever slow down and listen to the still, small voice inside you?


For me, it requires practice. Sitting still. Slowing down. Quieting my mind. Listening with my inner ear, instead of believing worried thoughts. Seeing with my inner eye, instead of seeking external stimulation.


Your Divine Self is calling. Will you answer?


I believe I have a Human Self and a Divine Self. I have an earth-bound (human) consciousness and an eternal (divine) consciousness.


They meet together in my heart. Sometimes, I feel them integrate completely. I feel whole. I feel worthy. I feel divinely wise. I feel calm and clear. I am allowing love. I am dancing joyously in the flow of God’s purpose for my life. I am deep in gratitude. I feel giddy with child-like wonder at the magnitude of miracles around me.


Do you have a Divine Self? Will you answer its call?


You know when it’s time to slow down. Perhaps you already have guides and a community supporting you. Perhaps you feel most comfortable on the human/soul-integration journey alone.


If not, do your inner work with a guide you trust. Process the uncomfortable stories from your past. Find your Divine Self.


You already know the person you want to work with who can get you there. Reach out to that person. Take a risk and discover the beauty and power within you. You are a Love Legacy already. Liberate that legacy from inside-out, so that your light can shine and fully impact this world. You are filled with Divine Wisdom. Reclaim it.


Awaken YOUR freedom within 🦋


Liberate your Love Legacy 💚


Book your first consult through the link below.👇👇

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Meet Andrea Luzon

Andrea Luzon is a Legacy Liberator who helps Leaders and ADHD Moms bring harmony and success to their personal, family, and professional life by reconnecting with their Love Legacy.
Through her work, she helps her clients discover and embody their innate wisdom (aka Love Legacy), making a lasting impact through their presence, words, and deeds.
Andrea is the visionary behind the Love Legacy Parenting Method, Founder of Legacy Liberation Coaching, and President of Andrea Luzon International.