Awakening is Remembering

By Andrea Luzon

By Andrea Luzon

Staying connected to my heart (stillness) while I am in action (fire) is one of my greatest challenges. I come from a long line of fiery folks. We feel whole when we are in motion. We make to-do lists. We grow food. We embrace chores. We build things. We fix things. We work with our hands. We rarely stop moving.


Is the doing-ness our way of avoiding intimacy? Is perpetual motion preventing us from having a more spiritual life? In my experience, the answer is YES. We tend to launch headlong into our work without centering first. When working with others, we could improve upon communicating graciously and creating an atmosphere of cooperation.


As I grow my daily practice of going within (BE-ing before DO-ing), I am finding myself less obsessed with doing and more available to being and becoming the leader I want to be. I ground myself in who I want to be, my highest version of myself, and then I move forward into my day. Sometimes, I have to hit the reset button within myself multiple times a day.


I start my morning by thanking the universe for my first conscious breath of the day. This reminds me to state out loud “10 Gratitudes”. I then meditate. I go for a long run with my dog. These three practices set me on an intention-driven course. I am committed to living an authentic life. I am learning to balance the fire and the stillness.


How do you hit your reset button and ground into your highest version of yourself? How do you balance the fire and the stillness within? I’d love to know your life experience.


I am here to support your journey. A sample one-on-one energy healing can be booked HERE. Join my Awake Free Expansive program. You’ll experience a monthly energy healing appointment, unlimited access to my Awakening Exercises platform, journal prompts, and so much more. Start with a sample healing appointment and change your life.


Holding You in Love & Light,
Andrea Luzon


I would love to connect with you through Instagram @andreadrealuzon

Meet Andrea Luzon

Andrea Luzon is a Legacy Liberator who helps Leaders and ADHD Moms bring harmony and success to their personal, family, and professional life by reconnecting with their Love Legacy.
Through her work, she helps her clients discover and embody their innate wisdom (aka Love Legacy), making a lasting impact through their presence, words, and deeds.
Andrea is the visionary behind the Love Legacy Parenting Method, Founder of Legacy Liberation Coaching, and President of Andrea Luzon International.